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  • Writer's picturethepalmtreedentalt

Not merely do missing teeth affect your physical appearance, but they can also lead to oral health issues. By replacing the missing tooth or teeth with a prosthetic appliance, you lower your risk of developing such problems and secure the healthy adjacent teeth from shifting or becoming crooked.

Your trusted dentist will explain all of the available options for restoring your missing teeth, so you can make an informed decision that is right for you. Dentures and dental implants are two popular solutions; each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks to consider, depending on one's specific circumstances.


Say goodbye to the old-fashioned and uncomfortable false teeth of yesteryear! Today's dentures are carefully crafted for a natural appearance, allowing you to talk, chew, and smile with confidence. They also provide support for your cheeks and lips by preventing sagging or wrinkles in those areas.


  • Dentures cost less than the alternatives, especially if you need to replace many teeth.

  • They can be fitted sooner after an extraction than implants.

  • Minor or no surgery is required for removable dentures.

  • Patients can choose between removable or fixed (implant-retained) dentures.


  • Although denture technology has improved, some say that they still don't look or feel as natural as implants.

  • Dentures don't last as long as implants and can be damaged more easily.

  • You may need to adjust your diet as certain foods and drinks are unsuitable for dentures.

Unlike removable dentures, dental implants provide strong jaw and mouth support that gives you more confidence in eating, speaking and laughing. With implants, your teeth will stay firmly in place for years to come!

Who is suitable for dentures?

Even at a young age, dentures can provide an efficient solution to people's dental needs. Whether it be due to medical reasons or simply personal preference, dentures are a viable option for those who may not qualify or prefer not to have implants.

When you require an entire arch of teeth to be replaced, your dentist might suggest full dentures as the most cost-effective treatment. However, if only one or a few individual teeth need substitution, they may recommend partial dentures in addition to other treatments such as implants and bridges that offer more stability - although the last word is always with the patient following their consultation with their dentist.

Dental Implants

If you are missing teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent solution. A titanium post is surgically placed in your jawbone to replicate the tooth root and act as an anchor for artificial teeth that also help support your jaw structure.


  • Implants look, feel and function more like natural teeth.

  • They stimulate new bone growth in your jaw to prevent it from shrinking.

  • You don't have to give up your favourite food and drink.

  • When you take good care of your implants, they can last for much longer than dentures, sometimes for decades


  • Implants cost more than dentures (although they usually last longer).

  • Placing an implant involves oral surgery*.

  • Bone grafting may be needed if your jaw is too small to support an implant*, which could affect your eligibility.

  • Implants can involve more appointments and waiting time, especially if bone grafting is needed.

Make An Appointment In Ingleside

If you're thinking about dentures, dental implants or other treatments to restore your smile and your oral health, talk to our dentists in Ingleside

Call Palm Tree Dental on 361-238-4460 or contact us online.

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  • Writer's picturethepalmtreedentalt

You may not think about your gums often, but keeping them healthy is essential for your oral health. Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems and can lead to a number of other issues if it’s not treated. Here are eight reasons to keep your gums healthy.

1. To avoid gum disease

Gum disease is a serious condition that can damage your gums and the bone supporting your teeth. If it’s not treated, it can lead to tooth loss.

2. To avoid bad breath

Bad breath can be a sign of gum disease. It can also be caused by eating certain foods, smoking, or other factors.

3. To avoid tooth loss

Tooth loss is a common complication of gum disease. It can also be caused by other factors, such as smoking or grinding your teeth.

4. To avoid pain

Gum disease can cause pain and irritation in your gums. If it’s not treated, the pain can become severe.

5. To avoid infection

Gum disease can lead to infections in your gums and the bones supporting your teeth. These infections can be serious and might even require hospitalization.

6. To avoid problems with your dentures

If you have dentures, gum disease can make them loose and uncomfortable. It can also cause infections that might require treatment with antibiotics.

7. To avoid problems with your braces

If you have braces, gum disease can make them loosen and cause pain. It can also lead to infections that might require treatment with antibiotics.

8. To avoid other health problems

Gum disease has been linked to a number of other health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Keeping your gums healthy can help reduce your risk for these and other health problems.

See your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups. Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, and floss daily. These simple steps can help keep your gums healthy and reduce your risk for gum disease.

If you have any symptoms of gum disease, such as red, swollen, or bleeding gums, see your dentist right away. Early treatment can help prevent the disease from getting worse.

Conclusion paragraph: Gum disease is a serious problem that can lead to tooth loss, bad breath, and other health problems if it’s not treated. If you have any of the symptoms of gum disease, be sure to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Ingleside Dental like Palm Tree Dental can help you get your gums back to their healthy state and keep your smile looking great.

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  • Writer's picturethepalmtreedentalt

Dental problems are very common in children. In fact, more than half of all children will have a dental problem by the time they reach the age of eight. While some dental problems are minor and can be easily treated, others can be more serious. In this blog post, we will discuss five of the most common dental problems in children. We will also provide tips on how to prevent these problems from occurring.

1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems in children. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth break down sugars and starches, which can lead to the formation of cavities. If tooth decay is left untreated, it can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss. To prevent tooth decay, brush your child’s teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, have them eat a balanced diet, and schedule regular dental checkups.

2. Gum disease

Gum disease is another common dental problem in children. It occurs when the gums become swollen and inflamed due to the buildup of plaque. If gum disease is left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. To prevent gum disease, brush your child’s teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, have them eat a balanced diet, and schedule regular dental checkups.

3. Mouth sores

Mouth sores are another common dental problem in children. They can be caused by a variety of things, such as viruses, bacteria, allergies, or even stress. Mouth sores can be painful and make it difficult to eat or drink. To prevent mouth sores, have your child brush their teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, eat a balanced diet, and schedule regular dental checkups.

4.TMJ disorders

TMJ disorders are a type of dental problem that can occur in children. They occur when the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull, becomes misaligned. This can lead to pain, clicking, and popping of the jaw. To prevent TMJ disorders, have your child eat a balanced diet, avoid gum chewing, and schedule regular dental checkups.

5. Dental emergencies

Dental emergencies can occur at any time and can be caused by a variety of things, such as accidents, sports injuries, or tooth decay. If a dental emergency occurs, it is important to seek treatment immediately. To prevent dental emergencies, have your child brush their teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, wear a mouth guard when playing sports, and schedule regular dental checkups.

Conclusion paragraph: Dental problems can be a serious issue for children, and it’s important to take them seriously. If you think your child may have a dental problem, don’t wait to get it checked out – the sooner the problem is treated, the better. If you need help finding a dentist who specializes in dentistry for children Ingleside Dental Care is here to help. We have years of experience treating dental problems in kids, and we can help your child get back to having healthy teeth and gums. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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